Hello! Wow, it's been a minute since I've updated on here... I apologize for the hiatus! When I started this blog I was in the midst of a crazy work year, prepping for various trips and still healing from a difficult chapter of our adventure book with the loss of our son. I never would have thought that once these factors actually calmed down that I'd be in a position with even less time to be able to update on here. I wholeheartedly apologize for the absence!
Some Datsy cuteness! |
Summer Fun
So what's been up on my end? Well for starters... it's SUMMER! One of the greatest joys in my life is my job in education. And no, it's not because of the awesome vacation perks like winter/spring/summer breaks... Although the time off is amazing 😉. The end of the last school year was tough. I was still working through personal matters with the loss of my son, in combination with a pretty challenging classroom bunch this past year... You could say it was an emotionally draining end to the school year, to say the least. So when June approached and summer neared, it was definitely a welcome sight!
Vacation Mode! |
Hola Espana!
Literally the day after the "last day of school" PB and I found ourselves hopping on a plane to head to Spain! We spent 12 days soaking in the Spanish sun, eating our weight in tapas and exploring around the beautiful country with my family. This was a special trip as it was to celebrate my dad's early birthday celebration! He visited Spain once before, way long ago before I was born. He's part Spanish, so his goal was to visit again someday with his whole family together. His actual birthday isn't until October, but summer was the perfect time for all of us to be together, so we all cleared our schedules to make his birthday travel dream come true!
We're on a boat.... in the middle of Madrid! |
The yummiest chocolate con churros! |
A little splash of Minnie style in front of Sagrada Familia |
Gaudi style: Casa Batillo |
Minnie Style: Park Guell |
Hearts for my dad and his travel bucket list vacation to Spain! |
Hearts & Mickey love from Spain |
When we returned from Spain, I fully intended to recap our entire trip on here. I wanted to go over all the gorgeous spots we visited, the food we ate, and how I tried to infuse as much Disney style into all of my Spanish travel looks. I still hope to do some sort of a recap one day, but until then the quick snippet version will have to do!
Family First
So what exactly happened since our Spain travels and these last few months of summer? Life. More importantly, family life. My family is EVERYTHING to me. I was raised in a huge, tight knit family, consisting of numerous aunts, uncles, cousins, and most importantly, my grandma. I don't know what life would be like without this crazy, loud, colorful bunch of people in my life. From day 1 of my adventure book, one very important person (besides my parents and sister) has been by my side: my grandma.
My grandma, my sunshine 💖 |
My grandma is an extraordinary woman. She raised 12 children of her own in the Philippines. She then continued her beautiful cycle of care by immigrating here to the U.S before I was born to help take care of me.
As time passed, more cousins were born or moved closer to us here in California. Soon, after a whole life of raising her own children, she was now caring for her grandchildren. She cared for us like no other, always putting our needs first. She made sure we were always fed, happy and kept safe. As time passed, we all grew up to lead our own lives, but we always made sure grandma knew she was still important to us. Wherever my grandma lived was always called "home base". It was the source of all our family gatherings, Sunday dinners, random drop ins to say hello. It was a spot filled with love.
Then a few years ago, my grandma had a bad fall. My family then learned of more health complications that would soon arise and we all watched my grandma go from a vibrant, funny and active woman to what can only be described as a shell of herself. But we're all here for her, making sure that she continues to fight the good fight. 💖
From everything this past year has taught me, the number one life lesson is that life is unpredictable. Life is so unbelievably precious and should be treated with the utmost love and care with each day that passes. I've chosen to spend my Summer break days getting as much quality time in with my grandma. My mom and I visit her each day, whether to have lunch, help her with her daily physical therapy, or just spend the hours sitting next to her. She spent her whole life taking care of me, so this is the least I can do for her. My grandma is a ray of sunshine in my world, so I'm taking advantage of the precious time we still have together.
My grandma likes colorful tees from different places, so I made it a point to bring back matching twin Disney tees for her and I to style together! |
Until Next Time
So there you have it, my blogger life has been on hold lately purely for the fact that the break time I thought I would have to write and recap randomness has been spent (well spent) by putting my beautiful family first. I'll back back as soon as I can to check in again, but until then thank you for reading! As always, thank you for taking the time to follow along on here. Wishing you all the most magical day! 💜
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